Up to date Automotive Market Data

We offer the most up-to-date information on the automotive industry globally. Providing analysts and companies with an advantage by finding all the information on automakers global sales figures, analysis of the industry and companies financial data in one place.

More than 60 Markets Updated Monthly

From the first day of the month we start updating our data so you will be up to date when the info is available. As the rest of countries and carmakers publish their results we updated for you.

We use official data from each market and complemented with the most reliable sources in the industry.

The information is available by market, carmaker and model (where is available).


What Services We Offer You

Global Sales by Automaker

Be able to access to any automaker global sales by brand and vehicle model (where available) in more than 60 markets.

Global Sales by Region and Country

See who is leading the sales in any country, region or globaly

Monthly Reports

Exhaustive analysis of the main markets and companies based on sales evolution

Financial Information

We provide you with the financial information as reported by each company*.
*Except for private companies.

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